Sekarang kalau mau bayar pajak PPh atau PPN nggak harus ke bank lho. Di ATM juga bisa!
Bahkan di ATM bank tertentu langsung bisa bayar tanpa harus bikin kode billing!
Sudah nggak jamannya lagi bayar manual pakai SSP seperti dulu.
Pelajari cara-caranya melalui aplikasi ini dulu ya masbro dan mbaksist.
Aplikasi ini support pinch to zoom dan double tap to full zoom.
Now if you want to pay income tax or VAT tax to the bank should not know. ATMs can too!
Even in a particular bank ATM can directly pay without having to make a billing code!
Already not his time anymore to pay manually use the SSP as it used to.
Learn the ropes through this application was yes Masbro and mbaksist.
This application supports pinch to zoom and double tap to full zoom.